Wednesday, January 27, 2016

post stream

if only blogger let you link to a place in the post stream

about beadle glitter

first there was the store, beadle glitter, then there was this, and now there is also live.


what the cloud is

When we take a picture the image should go to the cloud. From there it can be linked to from other content, but it won't just transmit anywhere, only to authorized receivers. Then it can be requested with filters, and one becomes many.

drawing board

So my gallery opportunity went Poof and it's back to the drawingboard.

who can provide me with rebar like this?

right and wrong

There's so much that's right with this and so much that's wrong with it. Windows shouldn't have frames and borders, they should just be blocks of text and imagery ... and they shouldn't include menus, those pop up when you hover over them a certain way. Windows can appear in windows or over windows ... interacting with a window shouldn't bring that window forward, unless that's what you want. It's ridiculous!
a blue mark on the time line documents the creation of a page, or some similar event. a green mark indicates an addition to the activity record. It does no good talking about all this though.